Friday, September 10, 2010

A Prayer of Hope

Here is prayer God worked into my being last month that I want to share. It has helped me to give up some of my lust for power, control, and selfishness. I hope it brings others life as well.

Oh Lord my Helper. Your ways are a mystery to us.

If it is our caring for the earth that the Creator is made known, then help us to care.
If it is our generosity that Your Abundance is made known, help us to give generously.

If it is in our being still that we can better see what your doing, then help us to be still.
If it is in our doing that we share wisdom, then help us to do wisely.

If it is in our love for the stranger that we learn love, then help us love those strange to us.
If it is in our love for enemy that we befriend you, then help us to love our enemies.

If is it in our weakness You are made strong, then help us to be weak.
If it is in our poverty you give us true riches, then help us to be poor.

If it is in our unseen work that You are more visible, then help us to work un-noticed.
If it is in our humble suffering that you are glorified, then help us to suffer humbly.

If it is in our dying that you resurrect life, then help us to practice dying.


Below is a video that brought me much comfort, joy, and courage in a time that I have been quite uncomfortable, despairing and fearful. My it also bring you life.

Mumford and Sons - Awake My Soul from Thomas Henley on Vimeo.

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